Top 3 Reasons Dubsmash Is So Popular App

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Everyone has those all-time favorite movie scenes and music videos that they keep recreating in their minds, when bored or even when taking a shower. However reality is that very few people ever get a chance to act let alone sing when they want to.

With the introduction of Dubsmash anyone can become a professional and actually sing and act like their favorite celebrity icons. Dubsmash being a lip synching app allowing all to recreate scenes right on their smartphones and personalizing it down to the smallest of details, has made it become one of the most downloaded apps. However even with that why is Dubsmash App still so popular?


One of the most obvious reasons as to why Dubsmash is so popular is because it is easy to use. By allowing users to easily match a movie scene or an original song with themselves at the click of a button, has been one of the major reasons as to the large number of people downloading the app on a daily basis. Still by allowing people from different countries to in a sense generate their own sounds, a relatable platform is created. No language barrier, no detailed clip tech editing resulting in popularity.

Uses social media networks

Everyone knows someone who uses social media to connect with family friends and fans. In fact looking around most people use more than one social media account, others going as far as having different user names for one specified social media platform. In this case when it comes to Dubsmash it comes as no surprise that it is popular, as it can be shared to other social media networks. However this is all possible as from the onset the Dubsmash app is funny, leading to more sharing even between strangers hence a creating viral video. And everyone knows that a funny app is more likely to become more popular than those serious apps in the market.

Celebrities use the app

The most genuine reason as to why Dubsmash is so popular is none other than the likelihood of one finding their favorite celebrity use the app frequently, if not on a daily basis is very high. When it comes to musicians promoting their upcoming singles, it comes as no surprise to see that the teaser released to the public use Dubsmash. The best part however is that even actors and singers doing impressions on each other, lip Syncing have found solace with the app and sound just as good. This in the long run is the push that inspiring singers, actors and fans use, making the app even more popular.


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