5 Ways to Manage and Control Your Anger

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Think back to a time when you were angry. Are you happy with the way you handled it, or do you wish you could have taken a better approach to your anger management? There are many positive mental health benefits that come with getting your anger under control. Reduce the anxiety and depression that come with feeling your anger boil over by practicing a few of these positive techniques.

A good place to start is to evaluate why you are really angry. Determining the source of your anger can help you to manage it more effectively. While it may seem like you are angry about every little thing, the source of your anger could be buried and be causing you to react in unexpected ways. Often, talking to a professional counselor, or even a good friend can help you to figure out what is making you upset.


Remove yourself from situations you know you find upsetting. While it may seem simple, recognizing when you are getting agitated and getting yourself out of that situation can be an invaluable tool. Learn what your anger triggers are, and step away from them before you react.


Find healthy ways to calm yourself down. No matter who you are, anger will create an unpleasant physical and emotional response that can linger for a long time. Develop a creative outlet for the anxiety that comes after your anger has gotten out of control. Everything from getting a good workout in or taking up a craft like painting can help. The idea is to step away from the anger for a bit and focus on something positive.


Learn to let go of your anger after you have left it behind. Once you walk away, really think about how important it is to not hold on to that anger. It’s tough to do, but not dwelling on what happened will allow you to emotionally heal and stop storing negative feelings. If you hold all of your anger in, it will become a vicious cycle and you’ll notice your anger building with each unpleasant event that happens in your life.


Once you have calmed down and let go, you should practice listening. Sometimes, it can feel like you aren’t being heard and so you might react with anger. Instead, try listening to the person that is making you angry. Perhaps you will find that you have missed a lot of details because you have been so focused on getting your point across. Even if you and the person still disagree after you have heard them out, it’s an excellent exercise in anger management to walk away from a disagreement without feeling the intense need to resolve everything or make a point.


Remember, it takes a lot of practice to effectively manage your anger. The more you get your aggressive feelings under control, the more positive you will feel. Get started today and start seeing a calmer and happier you, not to mentioned improved relationships with the people around you!



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