Come Dine with Me TV Series

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This is a TV series that plays in channel 4 in the United Kingdom it has earned its share of fans because of its humor and the style in which the competitors in the show get to fight for the final price.

Come dine with me is an addictive reality show that keeps people guessing and some disposing other characters in the show. Davy lamb adds comedy adding a sarcastic and interesting narration of events in the show.

It involved five amateur chefs who are complete strangers as the compete to host the greatest dinner party individually. The parties are held by the individual chefs on consecutive nights. The parties are held at a strict budget that has a fixed amount of money that can be used for the party. Each chef must submit a menu a week in advance, for what they will cook for their guests in the party.

The menu submitted by the chefs must include at least a starter, dessert or pudding and a main meal. The trick of the show comes in when each guest who attends the party has to rate the party on a scale of one to ten. The guests will use any factors they think are the most important to them in a party they attend. This means that some guests will rate the quality of food while some will rate the party according to the lighting used.

When the party ends, the host is given the rating for their part which they have to read to the other competitors as well. The competitor with the highest score wins £1, 000. The series follows the five chefs as they get to know each other and in their interactions with each other. While some may become life- long friends, some wish they had never met to begin with.


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