3 Ways Your Singing Voice Goes Viral

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There is one remarkable thing we remember about any musician; this often ranges from their voice, mode of presentation and above all the coordination of their vocals.



Those aspiring to be great musicians should often sit back and think widely before plunging into music. It is only through this that you ensure your voice goes viral.

  • Singing

This we all agree is the food for the soul. Everyone can sing but there are a few people who do it at a professional level. Before you start singing, select the genre you want to major in, this may include hip-hop, gospel, and rock among others. This helps you concentrate on that genre thus enhancing the better results. Practice more often and breathe this project that you’re singing and hence goes viral. Above all, love what you do; simply means love what you do- singing this gives you super confidence; giving you the courage to outdo yourself.

  • The second thing that helps your singing go viral is your voice

We cannot produce music without a voice. The very first thing we should know about our voices is; what type our voice is. There are a couple of voice ranges such as the soprano, counter bass, tenor etc. knowing your voice enables you own it. Love your voice, trust it and above all control it and awaken it to untamed heights, and by doing this I can guarantee you’re headed not just for vitality, but legendary levels. Finally, always practice though a cliche, practice always makes perfect therefore practice each day and your voice will definitely go viral.

  • Regular intake of healthy fluids such as water

You also need to take care of your voice by taking many healthy fluids mostly water. It is also advisable to reduce our intake of sugary substances as this goes a long way in making those voices get croaky.

  • Use the social media to advertise your singing

The world has become a global town where most of our interactions are through the social media. A few people are known to have gained popularity by uploading a video or something amazing through the net and consequently gained popularity. You may use social platforms such as face book, you tube, Instagram among others. It is simple; take a voice note\ video of you singing then share it to friends and family, you will be amazed at how quickly your voice goes viral and international.

  • You should also work on your content

Most musicians get into the music world, go viral for sometime then slowly fade out. This can be attributed to lack of content. Most people love songs that speak and reach out to people. However, it is not all content that can be called content; by this, I mean when selecting the theme of your music get to understand beforehand the dynamic changes in our current society. This does not only help you attain relevance but also plays a crucial role in making your singing go viral.

We would not sign out on our article without telling you how much prayer goes a long way. Prayer is the backbone of every human. Therefore do your part and do not forget to pray, present that song to the most high and you can be sure that you will not only go viral but you might also be our next Michael Jackson.