5 Things You Need to Know About BPA

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Bisphenol A which is commonly referred to as BPA is a chemical which is used in the manufacture of certain plastics and resins. It is a popular chemical that can be found in many polycarbonate plastics which are normally used as food containers.

The plastic is also used to make container for storing water and the popular beverages in the market. BPA is also found in epoxy resins and these resins are used as a coating inside many metal products like bottle tops and food cans. Research has revealed that there are high chances of BPA seeping into the either the food or beverage that you are consuming. This means that chances that you might be consuming BPA daily are high.

Various studies have linked BPA to different health complications at different stages of life. exposure to this chemical can negatively affect the behavior, functionality of the brain and the prostate gland of both the fetuses and children at their earlier ages. In fact, the latest research showed that a girl who has been exposed to BPA before birth will comparatively exhibit abnormal behavior when she hits 3 years old. Other studies have linked the chemical to be breast cancer and even some governments have started a crackdown on this chemical.

Here are five important things that you need to know about BPA.

1. You need to know that BPA stand for Bisphenol A and it is a common chemical that has been used for many years to manufacture plastics.

2. A larger percentage of the population already has this chemical in the body. This is because of the high rate at which many people are exposed to it. Studies have revealed that in adults, the levels of BPA vary between 1 micro grams to 2 micro grams per liter of urine.

3. BPA gets into your body when you eat foods whose containers have been made of BPA. This is a major way through which it gets into the system though it can also get n through dust and water. The chemical is used to coat many food and drinking containers making these containers to be its major gateway into the body.

4. The amount of the chemical that can trigger negative effects is not yet known but the dangers associated with it are known. Exposure to it can lead to brain complications, diabetes, heart problem and even cancer.

5. The best way to avoid this chemical is limit your exposure to it. These can be achieved by buying food and beverages whose containers are BPA-free. The good thing is that many manufacturers are opting for these type of containers. Use stainless steel and glass containers in place of the plastic ones. You should also discard plastic containers that have cracked and don’t eat a hot food or even drink something hot using a plastic container.