Why Laughter Is The Best and Healthy Medicine

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The benefits of laughter have already been proven. It is one of the best ways to relive memories. In fact, scientists have conducted several tests that show how the brain wave changes when a person laughs.



Without doubt it is one of the important keys to stay happy and healthy. Apart from this, laughing also helps reduce physical stress and discomfort. Interestingly, this is also one of the common therapies used to treat patients suffering from serious health conditions. Here are some reasons why people consider laughing to be the best medicine.

Reduce stress

One of the biggest reasons to laugh is because it helps people avoid stress. When people laugh, a contraction of muscle takes place that increases the oxygen and blood flow. This process helps stimulate the lungs and heart, which helps release endorphins. The release of endorphins helps you relax physically as well as emotionally.

Boosts immunity

Laughing also helps you build a good immune system. There are some scientific studies that show laughing helps kill some natural killer cells. These cells are a type of white blood cells that fights the cancer cells and help people have a better immune system.

Relieve pain

People who are laughing don’t feel any less pain, but generally they seem to be less bothered about the pain. Even though the pain remains the same, it is the way people perceive it changes. This again makes people assume their pain has reduced and gives them the ability to cope with it.

Protects the heart

Many people are not aware of the fact that laughing protects the heart. It is one of the best exercises for those who cannot indulge in other exercises. Additionally, it improves blood vessel functions that helps protect people from heart attack.

Bring positive Energy

The biggest benefits of laughing is the fact it has a positive effect on the life. Laughing helps people avoid all the nativities of life such as depression.

Lastly, laughter is undoubtedly the best and healthy medicine that every person must use to lead a good life.



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