Top 3 Safety Tips During Earthquake

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There are far too many people who live in zones where earthquakes are a problem but do not know how to handle one! The truth of the matter is that there are a number of potentially dangerous situations and hazards that occur during the course of an earthquake, and frighteningly enough, they can occur with no warning and leave a lot of damage behind them.

What do you need to know about preparing for an earthquake and what kind of advice is going to help you before, during and after the event? There are a few things that you should keep in mind when you want to be prepared for an earthquake but the truth of the matter is that it is simpler than you think.


How to Prepare Your Home

What kind of needs does your property have in the case of an earthquake? When you want to get through an earthquake unscathed, you’ll discover that there are many hazards in your home that may need to be eliminated. Take a look at some of the steps below, but remember to use your common sense. Every home is different and every home is going to have different high risk areas and things to take into account.

Heavy objects should be taken from high precarious perches and pushed further back in the closet or placed on the floor; otherwise, they could fall on someone. Any item that contains flammable materials should have a secure storage place, whether it is a closet or a shelf. This can reduce the chance of fire later on.

Check the wiring in your home on a regular basis. Open wires or any wires that look like they may have some sort of defect should be checked out thoroughly, and if any repairs need to be made, they should be made right away.

Are the shelves and projection TVs that you own secured directly to the wall? Have you used reinforcement brackets and is everything placed on the stud? Be careful about objects that can come loose and strike someone who is standing there, and make sure that your family knows to avoid them.

What are the safe locations in your home? Inside walls and doorways are usually the safest place that you have available to you, but make sure that you stay away from glass or anything that might fall as well. Search out these locations and make sure that you and your family members know where they are.

Constructing a Home Emergency Backpack

When you want to make sure that you are getting the results that you need from your earthquake safety information, don’t forget to consider what kind of home emergency backpack that you need. What are your options and what should you include:

First, make sure that you have flashlights and batteries for them. If the power gets cut out, this can save you from sitting in darkness. Make sure that the batteries are charged up and that you will have light.

A battery operated radio is a good idea as well. This should keep you in touch with the world when things like cell phones are computers are down.

Your first aid kit needs to be able to treat everyone who lives in your home. Bandages are essential, as are antibacterial ointments.

Have you stocked enough food or water for everyone? A week’s supply is usually enough and you’ll find that keeping them in a special area in your home can help a great deal.

What prescription and over the counter medications do you or your family need? Make sure that they are kept in a dry and accessible area and that everyone knows where they are and what they are for.


There are lots of ways to prepare yourself for an earthquake, and taking just a few simple precautions can be very important. Remember that the steps above are just a great way to get you started and at the end of the day, you’ll find that it might be time to look for more specific information. Your home is unique and your survival plan should be as well. Prepare your home, but most importantly, prepare yourself and your family!


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